Call 617-996-2222 for more information. Virtual tours available by FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.
Applicants can submit a rental application directly from or through rental agents. All applications are kept secure and confidential. Data is never shared!
For US Residents, the following documents are required as part of the application process:
1. Completed rental application
2. Copy of Driver’s License or other Government-Issued ID
3. Co-signer form signed by a parent/guardian
For International Students the following information is required as part of the application process:
1. Completed rental application
2. Copy of I-20
3. Copy of passport
4. Proof of source of income
Last month and security deposit (equal to one month) are required at time of lease signin. First month is required at the start of lease.
Yes, the state code requires 150 s.f. of living space for the first occupancy and 100 s.f. for each additional person (3 occupants = 350 s.f. of living space), and 70 s.f. of bedroom space for the 1st person, plus 50 s.f. for additional person (120 s.f. for 2 persons in one bedroom).
Unfortunately, only up to two cats are allowed. Dogs are not allowed, with the exception of certified service animals.
Yes, applicants without a rental history must have qualified co-signers. Credit and criminal background checks performed on all co-signers.
Utilities are not included in the rent. Tenants are required to establish service for gas, electricity and cable/internet.
Yes, renter's insurance is required. Tenants are required to obtain renter's insurance for the duration of the lease period.
An application fee of $75 is charged per credit/criminal background check performed. If you are a student or a senior citizen, please inquire directly with the property management company on their background charges/fees and available discounts. Background fees are not refundable.